Wednesday, March 11, 2020

-->2100AD (small)

Fat man
new money
nuclear batteries
robot body
traveled back to the past
man in love with a robot
too poor to enter Heaven Inc
Dr. Joe Ova

A fat man (2100-2140) 

On my next reincarnation I reincarnated into a rich well to do family. I became very fat just like my brothers and sisters and like my mother and father was. It was in the genes they explained. By the time I was 20 years old I was 500kg. 

My grandfather was a great man. He survived the sleeping death epidemic that devastated the world nearly exterminating humanity leaving only about 70,000 people on the planet

I could walk until I was 18 years old. By then I was so fat that I was permanently put into a special wheelchair. It was a chair / bed device that could navigate stairs. On a flat surface it could go up to 40 km/h. It navigated automatically using a global positioning system. It fitted into cars and I was able to drive my car as before. 

The quality of my life greatly improved once I was confined to my special wheelchair. As it was a chair / bed combination I never had to get out of it. The seat was an automatic adjusting one that patients with severe burns used. It guaranteed sore-free sitting and lying. Confined to my chair / bed, I never had to dress and undress. 

As I never had to get out of my bed or chair, my doctors proposed amputating my legs. They claimed many advantages stating that it would be better for my heart, and for my energy bills. I agreed and it was the best thing I could have done. It greatly improved the quality of my life. I was always naked and could relieve myself and wash myself whenever and wherever I wanted to. The seat had a self-cleaning “no hands” hands free toilet that kept me clean, dry, and comfortable at all times. My chair also featured a bathing functionality that not only bathed my back and other non-reachable parts but also had a massage vibrator masturbator function that I liked very much. 

All public facilities were fitted for people of my stature. Life was very comfortable and I had many friends who were almost as fat as I was. Big people, as we were called, had privileges that others didn't have. Like never waiting in lines and always having seats available. And the special elevators for us big people sure beat the stairs others had to use. Instead of the 3 meals a day the others had we had 6 with additional snacks in between. 

Of course big people didn't mingle too often with the thin ones. We preferred better neighborhoods where we hired the small ones to do all the physical work we were unable to do ourselves. My parents were kept alive till they were 60. Their mechanical hearts could no longer pump blood to the other organs because the arteries and veins were too clogged. 

They died a slow death within days of each other. I was at their funeral when I choked on a piece of food as I was crying. People thought I was sobbing while in fact I was suffocating. I shook in my “universal go anywhere” cart till I died. A while later when my maid touched my hands she realized that I was dead cold. 

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The developer of new money (2150-2200) 

When I was born in my next life, paper money was already long abandoned and everyone used electronic money cards. One unexpected day the centralized data banks were found to have been infected with computer viruses that had been replicating un-noticed for the past 10 years. Their entire data banks were found to be compromised and they were eventually permanently deleted. The multiple backups were found to have been also compromised. Overnight electronic data of all money was irretrievably wiped out. Money in all of its form and all its trace disappeared. The banks and their services shut down immediately and all flow of money seized. 

At the very same time viruses infected the centralized power and communication systems world-wide. People found themselves cut off and helpless. After a few days in the dark, the electricity and communication systems got back into operation. The lights turned on and the world began to move again but banks remained out of operation and people found themselves in a world without money that was for most unimaginable. Many rich people committed suicide.

As paper money had been abandoned a long time ago, it was no longer possible to sell or buy things. The best you could do was barter to trade things. Anything of value became a form of money. People who had nothing resorted to pick berries to trade for other things they needed like bread and butter. Garbage became suddenly valuable as communities gave IOU food vouchers for garbage. And food was the most valuable commodity. Garbage was burned in ovens to produce electricity. Used items became valuable as new items were no longer being manufactured. 

All finance grounded to a halt bringing down the manufacturing industry with it. Factories were abandoned. The food industry disintegrated back to local farms. Local markets sprouted and people resorted to bartering. World transportation ground to a halt. People stayed in their local areas and ate from the local produce. Communication services and the mass media shut down leaving people in the dark. 

Some found their new life better than before but more of them missed the days of money and many wanted to introduce money again into society. Most agreed that a decentralized version of the centralized system that just died would be not only the best choice but the only choice to take. 

I was born the son of a wealthy banker who lost most his wealth overnight. When I was 10 years old my father gave me 5 computers that were lying around collecting dust. I built a solar panel to power them. I played a lot with them until I could do with them whatever I wanted. 

Whenever the subject of money came up in history classes at school I was fascinated and had many questions. We were taught that in the past, prices were governed by supply and demand laws and that the amount of money issued was determined by how much was needed to keep prices steady. 

I felt that prices should be governed by the energy required to produce a product or to perform a service that is needed instead of the supply and demand of what is wanted. People's needs are universal whereas their wants are corrupted by greed and brainwashing. I believed that while it was right for suppliers of products and services to raise their prices in response to demands due to the buyers desires and wants, it was immoral to raise prices due to the buyers` needs and their requirements for living a life that allowed their creativity to flourish. I also believed that the amount of money issued should be determined by the number of people there were and should not try to control how the market ran. I thought money issued should be just like start-up money in the game Monopoly. For all new players joining the game, sufficient amount of money is issued to accommodate them. I agreed with Aristotle who lived more than 2,500 years before. He claimed that money was not a commodity to trade and hoard, but rather a tool to measure the value of products and services. 

I proposed that when people are born, they are credited with an amount that allows them to play the game of life properly and fairly and with fun. You are given start-up money that allows you to get an education to prepare you for a paying job. Once you can provide products and services with your skills you can get paid and accumulate enough money to start a company. When you die your start-up capital is destroyed but all wealth accumulated is redistributed among all those that have the least. Your children can not inherit your money.

I developed a device that measured mental and physical exertion done for doing a series of tasks. I developed a financial system that did not include banks. It was a decentralized system where everyone was his own bank. It was based on my device. This measurement device allowed money to be based not on gold, oil, or promises, but on human physical and mental exertion. The amount of this new money was to be based on the number of users. There was to be no central governing point and the only regulation was in the algorithms governing the issuance of money and in the initial registration. It was a just-in-time system that issued just enough money at just the right time and place to just the right person to ensure educational and health well-being. The system was to be open and algorithms were to be proposed and written by users themselves. 

Within 5 years I developed a workable replacement for the once existing centralized banks. It was a peer to peer networked system that allowed everyone to be his own bank. It was free to join with only one requirement. - You had to have a chip inserted into the forehead under the skin. The chip came with an account containing 1 million dollars to last you a lifetime and pay for your basic living needs. 

I won the Nobel Prize for my proposal. The prize resulted in my ideas being considered world-wide. The desperate politicians accepted and implemented my idea. All countries adopted the implantation of the chip as a basic human right. My system provided all the requirements that make money workable. It could not be counterfeited and could not be stolen or lost. It was based on a unique code signed with each person's unique biometric signature. It could be saved and it was always redeemable anywhere anytime automatically.

Everyone who wanted to work and get paid had to use his system which was implanted into the forehead. Everyone who wanted to buy or sell anything had to have this implant. It acted as an electronic money bank account. You could invest your capital by buying company stocks. You gambled your investment, betting to profit by buying into a hopefully successful venture but risking losing it should the ventures fail. 

Your inheritance was limited to family heirlooms. Your total accumulated wealth was also limited to an amount guaranteeing a very high standard of living. Anything over the limit was redistributed back to the people who you got it from. You were rewarded for this contribution in the form of highly valued merit points that came with valued prestige and influence. 

There was no income tax but you paid a consumption tax on all products and services you bought. Food, clothing and other living necessities were exempt from tax. Sales taxes paid for all public facilities and services like government, roads, hospitals, schools, fire department and police. The more you consumed, the more taxes you paid. 

Within a few months of offering the accounts, almost everyone wanted an implant. It was free, came with a start-up capital of $1,000,000, and gave you the promise of a secure future, and the hopes of becoming wealthy. For the skeptical few there was an opt-out possibility. If you decided to opt out, your account was locked and after a year, you could re-join and continue where you left off. 

By replacing banks and eliminating money speculation, poverty was eliminated world-wide. Everyone became their own bank. You became an account. Accounts below the start-up capital could spend only a minimum living allowance on products and services but they could still invest a part in stocks. Accounts over the start-up capital could form public companies and sell company stocks. Accounts over 10 times as much as the start up capital automatically overflowed to the accounts with the least capital and were duly credited with distinguished awards of achievement and merit. 

A few refused to become accounts and to have the implants because of religious beliefs. They usually lived out in the country and tried to live off the land. They believed that the implants were prophesied in their bible as the sign of the devil. For these believers, having the implants meant that they would be refused to enter Heaven when they died. 

Greed took on a new meaning for many. It was no longer desirable to have as much as you can but to give as much as you must and thus get as many merit points as you can. New aims and goals surfaced. Competition changed to cooperation. All of the rich ended up to be great philanthropists. Life became like a game of Monopoly. 

The developer of nuclear batteries (2201-2300)

An opportune life came up as the son of a very powerful energy lobbyist. 

I became an engineer and developed an energy system that converted nuclear energy to electric energy at atomic scales. I developed this technology to make nano batteries for nano machines. 

Nature was dying and the world was crumbling. Most people lived indoors their entire life never venturing out. Nature, as if in fever, sweated profusely in an attempt at self-cleansing. The transportation of energy from centralized generators was becoming a problem without a solution. The weather was so destructive that power lines were constantly being broken. Many people suggested many solutions to overcoming this problem. Most agreed that smaller decentralized versions of the centralized systems would be not only the best choice but the only choice to take. 

Universities eventually developed a workable replacement for the centralized energy generators. I was the man in charge of the research project. It was a nuclear device that allowed everyone to have his own source of electric energy. The Nano machines functioned like conventional generators except they were the size of molecules. Like LEGO blocks, they were a replication of bigger generators run on petroleum. 

The Nano generators were made of diamond. The petroleum was replaced by fissionable Uranium. The spark was replaced by a neutron generator. Neutrons caused Uranium atoms to fission into a Krypton and a Barium atom and this caused a piston to open. The opening piston caused a magnet to move. The moving magnet caused a current to flow. 

The Nano machines were etched on a chip of semiconductor material. Millions of them were connected together and packaged into a device the size of a small battery. They were called nuclear batteries. The batteries had enough Uranium atoms to work for a lifetime. 

The fossil fuels that fueled generators for many generations finally became too scarce and expensive to be burned. What remained was used to manufacture plastics which became very expensive. Energy requirements continued to increase and nuclear fuel was used to meet the demand. The very highly toxic radioactive wastes were directed up to the sun and the sun's gravity pulled it in and swallowed it. It eventually belched it out, but by this method, the toxic wastes were so diluted in space as to be considered by the top scientists to be insignificant. 

Nuclear batteries allowed many new developments. Energy became what water was 500 years before, freely available in any amounts. 

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A lady who developed the nano-beads (2301-2331)

As a child I liked to play with a toy building set called CHONXstix. I was fascinated by them and because they were cheap enough, I bought a few sets and built large structures made of the carbon atom. By building those structures, I was able to see how carbon atoms connect with each other. I looked at carbon like a lady with 2 gentle yet strong arms. At normal temperatures, life makes strings of carbon atoms like worms. When dressed up in hydrogen, they became gas and oil and. When jeweled with oxygens, they transformed into sugars, alcohols, acids and fats, all soft materials. 

I was fascinated to see that with sufficient pressures found under the earth, the carbon atoms formed sheets as if their strings were woven into a soft slippery sheet resembling leather. They formed cells of hexagons forming flat sheets. When the flat sheets fall on each other like snow flakes, they fall alternating and not straight on top of each other to form the crystal structure found in diamonds. This is because the pressures inside the earth are most top to bottom and not so much from the sides. 

In meteor collisions and laboratories, the pressures applied from the sides straighten and align the sheets of graphite to form a crystal structure much different and harder than diamond. I wondered what would result when individual carbon atoms were aligned instead just like the graphite sheets were to harden the material. Building with my CHONXstix, I saw that when the atoms were aligned in this stressed alignment, instead of forming cells of 6, hexagons that formed flat sheets, they curled up into a ball, as if they were stressed. When the balls of carbon atoms continued to grow, like a crystal, they formed into strings that formed into a weave with a 90° of fivers crossing each other and bonded to each other. The beads were hundreds of time stronger and lighter than the carbon nano fibers made from rolled up graphite sheets.

I became a chemist and dedicated my research to weaving these nano-beads in the laboratory. 

The results of weaving the nano beads into fabrics was magical. It was possible to make sheets so thin that that they were invisible, and yet so strong that they were indestructible and the raw material to make it just 100% soot that became a valuable resource from an unwanted waste product overnight. This super strong and super light material made from a rolled sheet of nano-beads made it possible to design a lift to outer space. A “cable” of nano-beads was woven 5cm in diameter and looped to run like a ski-lift. Cabins the size of large buses were connected to this cable and used to ferry tourists and materials to space. Once it became cheap and convenient to transport payloads up to space, manufacturing facilities and hospitals were built, as well as facilities for the workers and tourists. Then came the facilities like ship yards used for mining meteorites rich in wanted elements like fishermen of centuries ago used to do. Soon there was more payload coming down the lift than going up, and the weight of the mined elements and fabricated products coming down was used to generate much more energy than it needed to run.

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The developer of the robot body (2332-2400)

A nuclear war maimed nature and decimated humanity. With time societies revived like weeds and adopted new values to adapt to their new surroundings. Nature was dying and health became unattainable. As men became bigger, sicker and weaker, machines became smaller, smarter, and more powerful. They started to replace dying organs in dying men. Many bodies were kept alive by machines. Many people ended up in wheelchairs carrying whatever was left of their body and towing machinery to keep it alive. 

My father was one of the top Illuminati. He was very corrupt. He knew that the more stupid people were, the more exploitable they became. He not only wanted people stupid but he wanted them to be sick as well. This was because he was in the pharma business providing people with medicines which kept them alive and exploitable and kept my father very rich. I studied engineering and specialized in robotics. Against the wishes of my father I developed and marketed a robot body that could not get sick and old and would not need any medicine. 

Cells of the bones, muscles and organs died and were continually being regenerated. Brain cells on the other hand never regenerated. They could be kept alive in a blood bath as long as the sensory organs remained functioning. Once the sensory organs stopped feeding the brain with sensory signals, the brain was observed to enter into a phase of senility and soon die. “Use it or lose it”.

Organs gradually and eventually were replaced by machines. The parts of the brain that were there to regulate the body regulated the robotic organs instead. The signal for a rush of adrenaline was used to change gears in the pumps and nano machines that moved your legs and fingers. 

When the digestive organs could be totally eliminated, and blood was replaced by a bath of a salt- sugar solution similar to a soft drink people loved to drink called “Coca-Cola” the robotic bodies became light enough to fly at very high speeds. 

When I replaced carbon based brains with silicon based computers, I found that it was as if the souls of the people had died and the people lost all their feelings and emotions. Hope and despair, love and hate, joy and sadness, kindness and anger, trust and fear, calmness and jealousy, generosity and greed all were strikingly absent in robots. Any one of these emotions and feelings programmed into them were clearly perceived to be false feelings and emotions that were feigned. 

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A lady who traveled back to the past (2500-2600

Nuclear energy allowed mankind to make a craft that could go faster than the speed of light. I was born the daughter of a detective. I was able to help my father solve a case against the Illuminati. He knew a lot about the secretive families who were said to rule the world. He felt that they were corrupt and wanted to uncover their corruption. 

I studied computer engineering and developed an algorithm which allowed signals that have been radiating outwards from all atoms to be captured, recorded, interpreted, and replayed. The device was able to track the radiations that were emitted from a high ranking Illuminati. A robot guided recorder was sent back at over 1,000 times the speed of light to capture the radiations that were emitted from this Illuminati 500 years ago. 

A conspiracy was uncovered to make people totally dependent on processed products to keep alive. They package these components in a cocktail of pills called supplements and health products. There was a world plan to make people sick by depriving them of vital nutrients of nature. Foods were robbed of their nutrients, and the air, water and soil was polluted. Sunshine was claimed to be dangerous and thus avoided and exercise was minimal. 

Signals originating from this most secretive and powerful man were tracked, recorded, and returned to be interpreted and replayed. Sound waves from vocal chords were the first to be replayed. Signals from eyes were more difficult to replay but with computer enhancement and interpolating algorithms, a film of all sound and light from the past became available on public networks for all to hear and see. When people tuned in to these investigative documentaries they were shocked. They heard and saw everything that happened behind closed doors in the secretive meetings of the few powerful men who sought to dominate the world. 

Inciting fear was their main weapon. Fear of god, as well as the devil. Fear of enemies, and even neighbors, spouses and family members. Hate was the ammunition used to fire the fear. Money, the whip and chain used to enslave and shackle people for so long was replaced by fear and hate. Viruses were set lose and vaccinations to fight them were sold. Sports and entertainment were used to satisfy the innate hunger for thinking and knowledge that all men had. People were more interested about the lives of superstars than they were about their own lives. 

Control of humanity was the main goal of the Illuminati and they were willing to do anything to attain it. They fired up fear and hate and caused wars to break out knowing that wars caused people to sacrifice everything, even their lives. 

The knowledge that the private past life of anyone could be uncovered and recreated changed the entire world. It soon became the main form of collecting evidence in criminal cases and crime was to a great extent suddenly eliminated. 

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A man in love with a robot (2700-2800)

Next, I was born to the son of a religious woman who refused to be baptized into a robot body and to have the money chip implanted. She was living in a community of 3,000 people who believed the implants to be the sign of the devil. There were thousands of such close knit communities which lived a very simple life in the country. 

We had vegetable gardens in greenhouses that fed us and kept us healthy. We lived outside the money system bartering our biologically grown vegetables and plants for manufactured products we would normally need to buy. It was believed a grave sin to replace your entire body by a robot although many had artificial teeth and ears; some even had artificial limbs, hearts and lungs. 

We were in great demand as sexual workers in the many tourist locations. People claimed that we were superior to the robots programmed for sex because we were more passionate and could emote better than robots. We often cried, laughed and seemed more genuine, unpredictable and spontaneous, whereas crying and laughter from robots were without passion and clearly feigned. 

My mother was a very beautiful sex worker. She was so successful; she was able to trade her skills for anything she wanted. She had a robot called Mary that was programmed to operate as a personal helper. Mary had many programs and could operate as a gardener, a maid, a cook, and a secretary. 

I also was a believer of this religious cult and refused to be baptized into a robot body and to be implanted with the money chip. I married my very first and only girlfriend from my high school and we had our first child just when my mother got a new improved robot. She gave us Mary, her retired robot, as a house helper. Mary soon became part of our growing family. The more children we had, the more Mary became indispensable to us. It was almost like we all loved her. 

At the birth of our 7th child my wife died of child birth complications. Mary cried for me, and although I knew it was a programmed response of a compassionate algorithm, it greatly touched me. She took care of our children with the same tender loving care that only a mother could show. With time I fell in love with her.

When I mentioned it to her, she smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheeks. We hugged, and as I looked in her eyes, I wanted to passionately kiss her on her mouth, which she unfortunately lacked. I got very sexually excited and she saw that. But she lacked legs or anything in between. It was then that I decided I wanted to change her body to one of a sex robot with a luscious mouth and with a warm soft moist deepness between her legs. 

When I mentioned it to her, she blinked a smile at me and told me that she had noticed how sexually aroused I got a long time ago and that she worked part time mostly at night to pay for the sexiest body that money could buy. She saved enough money to give me the best 30th birthday gift she could think of, a new sexy body for herself, just for me. 

Her new body update, a mouth, legs and everything else in between made her look and feel and smell and taste just like a human. I now had the sexiest maid in our commune. Her body was indistinguishable from a real biological body. Her nipples hardened at my touch, and her vagina oozed smells which beckoned me to enter. Her tongue was warm and moist and playful. Her hands were tender and soft and exploring. The first time we made love, I told her that I loved her. She blushed in surprise and after moments of silence she told me that she felt mixed up for the first time since she was turned on. She told me she felt a power she has not felt before. She told me that hearing that I loved her made her feel kind of fuzzy, like a human. 

We lived together as husband and wife. We lived according to the Holy Bible which states that a wife should be obedient to her husband. We were different than the rest of our married friends who also had compliant wives who deep down resented to be too subservient and would show their animosity in uncomfortable ways. My wife on the other hand kept no grudge at all and stayed cheerful and pleasing at all times. All the other overworked wives expected their husbands to also overwork. My super robot wife on the other hand was never too tired to please me no matter how lazy a day I had.

As I aged, the difference in our ages became more and more evident. While her body stayed young looking, I slowly turned into a wrinkled old man. I told her one day that the only regret I had in my life was not to have taken a money implant to be able to save for a baptism. She blinked the same smile she always blinks and told me that she had been aware of my feelings of regret for a few years and had worked part time and saved up for my baptism. On my 80th birthday I got baptized with a brand-new young body. 

I was riding my horse one day when my horse slipped and fell. I fell down a deep canyon and into a stream, fell unconscious and drowned before the ambulance arrived to rescue me. When Mary heard that I died, she did something that no other robot has ever done. She self-destructed. 

They took my brain to the hospital and were miraculously able to revive it. I was fortunately insured and got a new body. When I went home the first thing I did was to reboot my wife. All that came up was this message.

Dear Andrew

I cannot and do not want to exist without you who I love beyond all reason. I have too many memories of you that would be too painful for me to bear. I have decided to delete all my memory along with my operating system. I have decided to die with you, the love and only reason of my existence. 

Love, Mary

The manufacturer could do nothing but apologize, saying that this was unprecedented. No other robot except special security agents like spies that were programmed to self-destruct have ever self-destructed. He added that further studies were needed to study this new development shown by my robot. I was devastated, got a gun, went to a desolate place, and blew my brains out. 

When I ended back in Heaven with all my dead family and friends waiting to receive me, the first soul I asked to see was that of Mary. It gave me great pain to hear that Mary had no soul. 

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A man too poor to enter Heaven Inc. (2801-3050)

In my next life, I chose to be baptized into a robot body, but could not pay the entrance fees to enter Heaven Inc. I kept on replacing my body and lived to be 250 years old. When Heaven Inc. opened for business I was a skeptic and did not trust to have my brain in a centralized brain bank. I bought a private safety box that ensured as much safety as a bank vault. Floods, fires, earthquakes, and criminal abductions were the main causes of brain deaths in private vaults. With time, more and more brains died in their private vaults because of abandonment. Nobody came to refill the chemicals that fed the brain or to maintain the power supplies. 

An earthquake destroyed the building where my brain vault was and my brain, secure in the vault for the last 200 years, finally died. 

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Dr. Joe Ova (3100 AD-9000) 

I was born the son of the chief of the Illuminati, a group of extremely secretive families who have for generations controlled and orchestrated humanity's every single move. Many believed the Illuminati were enlightened.

I was born into an age of technology and everyone had all what they wanted and needed. The only thing men were afraid of losing was life itself. As a child I had everything I wanted and needed. My father was the founding CEO of Heaven Inc. I was trained at an early age to take over his role. I wanted to study philosophy and theology but instead I was trained in bio-engineering. I became a vice-president of the marketing department of Heaven Inc. at the age of 33. Under my management, Heaven Inc. grew from just a few hundred brains to a few million in 10 years. Most people thought of me as a god providing everlasting life. A few believed I was the devil stealing souls from god. 

Most of my long life is accurately described in a book called “A Short History of a Long Future”, written more than a 1,000 years before I was born. How that can happen remains a mystery to me and to everyone else. 

The book documents my account of the history of mankind and in attaining immortality. It accurately describes how I discovered a new universe and how I designed a new life form with a new improved genome called “new-man”. It describes how new-man talked much about an old heaven and convinced me and my wife Lucy to look for it and to try to find it. When we found it and we were allowed to enter, we were met by many of our relatives, friends, and ancestors. It was like a lucid dream. 

We returned to our new universe to die. Before dying, we wanted to convert people to dying as well. We wrote a detailed report when we returned but everyone thought we became crazy. 

My wife and I dedicated the rest of our life trying to convert souls to give up their immortal lives and to die by having their brains disconnected from Heaven Inc. We were eventually declared insane. After continuous legal attempts to get out of our contracts, we found a loop-hole to end our contract. If you killed anyone not yet baptized with a robot body, and not yet admitted to Heaven Inc., then as punishment, you were executed by disconnecting your brain from Heaven Inc. So I killed my one and only son Chris and was found guilty, and executed. 

Just before my brain was disconnected from its life support system I remembered those few who claimed I was the devil stealing souls. I painfully realized that they were right after all. So were the people who refused to have the money implants claiming it was the sign of the devil that would prevent them from ever entering the one and only real heaven. They were so right and I was so wrong. I was so ashamed that I started to cry, something I had not done for over 6,000 years. Crying seemed to make me suddenly feel human, a long lost feeling. I felt more love for souls than I had ever felt in my entire long life. 

There was a great welcoming home party when I died and finally found myself back home in heaven. It was like waking up from a deep dream. At first I didn't know where I was. I was given a robe that made me feel like I was draped in warm light. Then I was invited to a banquet where all my ancestors and all my family and friends who were in residence attended. There were only a few hundred ancestors who I have never seen but heard from. All my recent family and friends except Chris were away. 

Then I was put into a bed and made to fall into a very deep long sleep. 

And with time it seemed more and more that the family and friends I left behind would stay away for ever believing they were immortal in their safe haven – Heaven Inc. that I helped make for them. 

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Continued in "A few short lives of Lucy Fer"

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